
European Commission

European Commission.svg

The Portfolio Building Network (PBN), Pillar C of the IMI2 JU AMR Accelerator programme, will address the limited pipeline of treatments and preventions for AMR infections by enabling vibrant and nimble collaborations between EFPIA companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and/or academics that will advance the R&D pipeline of new and innovative agents to address AMR. The scope of this action will be to identify and progress novel lead compounds (one preNME and one FTIH start) for TB that act synergistically with bedaquiline, cytochrome bc or cytochrome bd inhibitors towards design and implementation of phase 1 clinical studies.


Fecha límite de la convocatoria: 28-10-2018


Más información de la convocatoria aquí

Fuente: Red CLARA

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